HOURS - Service times vary to accommodate a wide range of clients' needs. To see available times click the Book Me button above.
Don't see a time that works for you? Please contact us directly, and we will offer you more options.
ADDRESS - 151 Molalla Ave Oregon City, OR 97045 (view our MAP page for directions)
E-MAIL - [email protected]
Office Phone # - 503.875.3486 (texting us is preferred as we check voicemail typically just before and after our shifts)
Facebook - like us below or @ fb.me/JaxBodyShop or message us @ m.me/JaxBodyShop
YELP - https://www.yelp.com/biz/jax-body-shop-mesa-wellness-oregon-city
We value you as a customer and would love you to visit our page on Facebook review page to offer us feedback for continued
professional growth. Thank you again, and we look forward to servicing you soon!!
Don't see a time that works for you? Please contact us directly, and we will offer you more options.
ADDRESS - 151 Molalla Ave Oregon City, OR 97045 (view our MAP page for directions)
E-MAIL - [email protected]
Office Phone # - 503.875.3486 (texting us is preferred as we check voicemail typically just before and after our shifts)
Facebook - like us below or @ fb.me/JaxBodyShop or message us @ m.me/JaxBodyShop
YELP - https://www.yelp.com/biz/jax-body-shop-mesa-wellness-oregon-city
We value you as a customer and would love you to visit our page on Facebook review page to offer us feedback for continued
professional growth. Thank you again, and we look forward to servicing you soon!!